Welcome to Peach Kisser Sex Stories! This is a lesbian sex story from the first person perspective, that unveils a romantic connection between two close friends. They fall into each other over Ice Cream Sundaes and make their connection a bit sweeter. No ice cream required! Sweet Sapphic Sundaes – Lesbian Sex Stories Summer leads…
Category: Featured Articles
What is Ethical Porn? Well, it’s a whole lot of fun, I’ll tell you that much! There is growing interest in a more ethical and inclusive approach in pornography, in recent years. The people are beginning to yearn for diverse looks and genders, and real bodies. That means there is a plethora of good porn…
In the chaos we have been dealing with in the present day, it’s become more and more important to focus inward to help yourself maintain some semblance of humanity. We’re human, after all, and we all require a level of care to survive. When it comes to self-care, we often focus on the care itself…
After writing my last Eros & Edibles piece on Chocolate as an Aphrodisiac, I was left with more questions about how chocolate came to be so heavily associated with sexual appetite and lust. Why is Chocolate Romantic and so associated with Sex and Love? Well, the answer isn’t quite as simple as you may expect!…
My journey to self-love has been arduous. I consider this heavily, when people have asked me about How To Practice Self-Love, Even when you Can’t. I’ve been thinking about this topic for weeks, meditating on the possibilities and the journey. I’ll tell you something funny; I had this basically written before I sat down to…
This is Lust & Lore, where we tell stories and myths with sensual appeal. Today we’re learning about the sex symbol who captivated Mexican audiences: Lyn May! In this Peach Kisser series, we hope to tell some stories you have never heard, or that may be especially fascinating. These may be about people of note,…
Welcome to the second volume of Pleasure Principles, the second Volume to my How To Masturbate series for those that own vaginas! Check out the first edition Pleasure Principles: Vol. 1 – Intro To The Vulva & Vagina here. In this edition, we’ll cover the basics of sex toys. We’ll cover everything from nipple stimulators,…
Welcome to another edition of “Beyond the DD,” where I discuss my “Big Boob Problems” from my real life experience of having actual big boobs! This is mostly just for funsies, because I am well-aware that having larger breasts is often seen as desirable. As with many desirable things; it ain’t all it’s cracked up…
Cake Sitting–you know what? I’m kinda into it. Let me explain. 🎂 Welcome to another edition of “What it is and How to Do it” for Sexually Speaking here on Peach Kisser. Today I want to explore the naughty world of cake sitting with you, because I am actually quite intrigued by this particular kink,…
Who is into roleplaying? There are so many fun ways to bond intimately with your partner in this cozy season. At least for those of us that experience Winter. Sometimes we need to add a little extra fuel to the fire to keep our home hearth smoldering. You’ll want to dig into these Santa Role-Playing…